Wednesday, December 26, 2012

So I decided to trade in my iPad for a new laptop! Now I can actually view my blog and don't have to type awkwardly with only one finger, haha.

Its the day after Christmas, and I cant believe it! This year has gone by super fast. We celebrated on Christmas Eve with my family and we had so much fun. I loved every minute of it. On Christmas day we opened presents and relaxed all day long. Santa was good to me this year :) And today, mom and I woke up early and hit some of the sales. We were surprised there wasn't more people out there, but we were early birds so we probably beat the crowds.

As far as this month, it has been a pretty tough one for me. Last month I was put on a medication for my heart condition (and it also was supposed to help with my headaches!) and it just isn't working. It has made me so extremely tired, depressed, and sick! It hit me the hardest last week and made me sleep for a whole day straight! And when I was awake, I was just tired and depressed (even though I have nothing to be sad about!) and had the worst body aches imaginable. I have been miserable. Unfortunately for me you cannot stop taking this medication suddenly or you will have a heart attack or stroke. So! I have to get off gradually. Which means 2 or 3 more weeks of this! And even when you are getting off, you have to be very careful with what you do, no exercise..etc., because you still run the risk of having a heart attack. This has been so hard for me. Its so frustrating knowing you are not this tired, sad person but I am unable to control my body on this medication. The best way to describe it is just feeling trapped inside someone you know you are not. I cannot wait until this is all over and I can get back to feeling like myself again.

On a brighter note! To help with my anxiety (yes, another medical problem I have to deal with), my doctor told me that doing Yoga would help it tremendously. I used to take it back in college and I LOVED it! So i can't wait to start again! I found this cute little place that has Yoga, YoBo (yoga infused with kick boxing), YoBA (yoga infused with ballet moves!), and stretch and relaxation! I bought a new yoga mat and new yoga pants today and cannot wait to put them to use when I start feeling better!

As for Kyle and I, we are still so happy. We work around his (busy, busy) work schedule and see each other on the weekends mostly. I can't wait until next year when he gets a new schedule that will allow us to see each other more often! He has been so great this past month with everything going on despite not being around as much as I would like him to. He is the best!


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